Other ways to be a HCAW Hero:
Visit the centre to make a donation in person or deposit with the bank info below.
If you any questions please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
Bank Name: The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance
Bank Address: Abdullah Ghosheh Street, Amman, Jordan
Account Name: The Humane Center for Animal Welfare
Account Number: 0086305500101001
IBAN Number: JO15HBHO1170000086305500101001
Visit the centre to make a donation in person or deposit with the bank info below.
If you any questions please email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
Bank Name: The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance
Bank Address: Abdullah Ghosheh Street, Amman, Jordan
Account Name: The Humane Center for Animal Welfare
Account Number: 0086305500101001
IBAN Number: JO15HBHO1170000086305500101001